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Base classes for building data and processing blocks. Includes basic functionality including exception handling.


class AProcessingBlock(ProcessingBlock):
    def __init__(self, a_var):
        self.a_var = a_var

    def process(
        self, input_fc: FeatureCollection, process_dir: Path = Path("/tmp")
        self.a_var = 2
        return input_fc
This class takes the input feature collection and return the same feature collection unchanged. The entrypoint would always be the run method.

DataBlock (ABC)

Base class for data blocks.

fetch(self, query, dry_run=False)

Main worker method, for the given STAC query, fetch the results and save to output.


This method is an abstract method which means you are required to implement it in any inherited class.

Source code in blockutils/
def fetch(self, query: STACQuery, dry_run: bool = False) -> FeatureCollection:
    Main worker method, for the given STAC query, fetch the results and save
    to output.

        This method is an [abstract method](
        which means you are required to implement it in any inherited class.
    raise NotImplementedError

run(cls, **kwargs) classmethod

This method is the main entry point for the data block.

Allows for arbitrary kwargs that will be passed directy to the data block instance.

Source code in blockutils/
def run(cls, **kwargs):
    This method is the main entry point for the data block.

    Allows for arbitrary kwargs that will be passed directy to the
    data block instance.

    query: STACQuery = load_query()
    # check for geometry validity
    if query.bbox or query.intersects or query.contains:
    dry_run: bool = get_block_mode() == BlockModes.DRY_RUN.value
    result: FeatureCollection = cls(**kwargs).fetch(query=query, dry_run=dry_run)

ProcessingBlock (ABC)

Base class for processing blocks.

from_dict(kwargs) classmethod

Instantiate a class with a dictionary of parameters

Source code in blockutils/
def from_dict(cls, kwargs):
    Instantiate a class with a dictionary of parameters
    return cls(**kwargs)

get_metadata(feature) staticmethod

Extracts metadata elements that need to be propagated to the output tif.

Source code in blockutils/
def get_metadata(feature: Feature) -> dict:
    Extracts metadata elements that need to be propagated to the output tif.
    prop_dict = feature["properties"]
    meta_dict = {
        k: v
        for k, v in prop_dict.items()
        if not (k.startswith("up42.") or k.startswith("custom."))
    return meta_dict

process(self, input_fc)

Main worker method, for each input feature, process it and save to output.


This method is an abstract method which means you are required to implement it in any inherited class.

Source code in blockutils/
def process(self, input_fc: FeatureCollection) -> FeatureCollection:
    Main worker method, for each input feature, process it and save to output.

        This method is an [abstract method](
        which means you are required to implement it in any inherited class.
    raise NotImplementedError

run(cls) classmethod

This method is the main entry point for the processing block.

Source code in blockutils/
def run(cls):
    This method is the main entry point for the processing block.
    params: dict = load_params()
    input_metadata: FeatureCollection = load_metadata()
    processing_block = cls.from_dict(params)
    result: FeatureCollection = processing_block.process(input_metadata)